Last Thursday we discussed Pat Cunningham Devoto's novel, 'My Last Days as Roy Rogers'. This story is set in an Alabama town in the early 1950s during the last polio summer before the Salk vaccine, ten-year-old Tabitha "Tab" Rutland is about to have the time of her life. Although movie theaters and pools have been closed to stem the epidemic, Tab, a tomboy with a passion for Roy Rogers, still seeks adventure with her best friend Maudie May, "the lightest brown colored person" she knows. Now as they meddle with the local bootlegger, Mr. Jake, row out on the Tennessee River to land the biggest catfish ever, and snoop into the town's darkest secrets, Tab sets out to be a hero...and comes of age in an unforgettable confrontation with human frailty, racial injustice, and the healing power of love.
We gave it 3 out of 5 stockings. There are 2 followup books Out of the Night That Covers Me and The Summer We Got Saved. We discussed the times of polio, race relations in the south during segregation and the joy of youth. However we all wanted a little more from the story. But it was a good discussion and sweet and southern savory treats were enjoyed by all.
To see what else we're reading check out this page.