The NSL Book Club had a fantastic end of the year get
together. We read Skipping Christmas by
John Grisham. We wanted something light for the end of the year and a movie, ’Christmas
with the Kranks’, to go with it.
The discussion was less about the book itself and more about
the holidays and how we celebrate, or don’t celebrate. Do we have too much
pressure on us to decorate our house, like the Kranks? Have the perfect party? Have
gifts for everyone we know? Or those of us in aggressive homeowners
associations with intimidating block leaders demanding the requisite bow on the
mailbox be the perfect shade of burgundy, or other such similar situations, and
how to survive with a smile. I think we
all agreed that we felt overwhelmed or stressed at times and it’s hardly ever a
Christmas Hallmark movie, which is why we’re addicted to watching them. We also
discussed the commercialization of Christmas and that fact that some of us
really like all the commercial “trappings”.
In honor of Charlie Brown I made a little lopsided book
tree. It was not nearly as grand as last year, but still filled with exciting
ARCs for the members.
Happy Holidays everyone!
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